Jan 9
Food for Pakistan Christmas Charity 2023
When we say we give food to a Christian family in Pakistan, it may be difficult to grasp what that means. Here is an example of food that...
Jan 9
2023 Christmas Charity in Pakistan
This poor family was given food items by our partners in Pakistan during our Christmas charity program this year. If you would like to...
Jan 9
2023 Christmas Charity in Pakistan
During our Christmas charity in Pakistan this year, these Christian women from this poor village were all given food to help feed their...
Jan 9
2023 Christmas Charity in Pakistan
This group of Pakistani Christian women were given new items of clothing for our Christmas charity program this year. Thanks go to our...
Jan 9
2023 Christmas Charity in Pakistan
This large group of Christian children in Pakistan were given warm clothes, hats and gloves by some of our partners there for our...